Are you ready to FINALLY get the body that you are proud of? Are you ready to tap into that abundant energy that allows you to play with your kids all day long, outlast your wife in bed, and be a bad ass at whatever sport you like? Are you ready to discover a plan that works for YOU!
Limiting beliefs and self sabotaging mindsets hold even the best of us Men back in life. It is when we develop a daily practice of what we believe, backed by core values and principles that we start to see massive change in our lives. Most IMPORTANT of all is setting up clear boundaries to protect out path and prevent us from getting off track…again!
It’s been said that if you FAIL TO PLAN, then you PLAN TO FAIL. How many times has this been true for you? Throughout this program you will know WHY you are here, WHERE you are going, and WHAT it looks like when you get there!
The entire goal of The Rebel Project is to Educate, Elevate, Equip and Empower Men to with Confidence, Courage, Creativity and CERTAINTY of who they are, where they are going, and knowing exactly what it takes to get there!
To know thyself is the beginning of all wisdom
What you do everyday matters more than what you do every once in a while. We will develop and hold you accountable one of my most valuable tools… The Daily Discipline!
Success is sweet but its SECRET is SWEAT. Crush a workout and then sip some coffee with your
Brotherhood is the very price and condition of Man’s survival. Join a Brotherhood of Men dedicated to working on themselves and making sure you RISE UP WITH THEM!
Coaching is making men do what they don’t want to do, so they can become what they want to be!
Build a man a fire and he is warm for a night, Set a Man on fire and he will be warm the rest of his life. Guided Fire chats at the HB Beach Fire pits where we can Burn the Stories that no longer serve us as Men.
What is life without a little FUN! Each Quarter we have an adventure planned, as well as an Annual FAMILY Retreat as you near Graduation.
It’s been one of my greatest privileges watching you rise up and step into that power and purpose. Lead people by the way that you lead yourself. You are probably one of the most consistent guys I know. It does not go unrecognized. Its not about the business plan, it is all about the business man!
I recommend anyone to do this, if your at a spot where you like ” I know there is more to life and I want to go get that”. If you look up to someone and you want to get it, see what there doing, go do it, make it a little bit better for yourself. Feeling lost? Go find yourself!
If you are actually on the fence about working with Luke, please stop overthinking it and just jump all in! This man is a man of resourcefulness, he is a man of integrity and a man of character and he does what he says. Make sure you go all in and join Luke on his mission to transform leaders just like you.
I now life my life by these four words (Powerful - Passionate - Confident -Free), and they guide my every decision.
Everything he did was an emotional and spiritual framework that allowed me to improve in Body, Mind and Spirit.
The best part of competition is that we discover what we are truly capable of, and how much more we can actually do that we never thought possible.
This program is measurable, observable and repeatable. We will know for sure how much you are improving in all 5 areas of life
Working on YOURSELF in this container will absolutely CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
Luke is the Truth Extractor. He helped me discover the truth of who I am and find my calling in life through implementing the daily discipline and consistent discernment.
David S – 12/18/2022
Luke is amazing with people, and is an amazing example to others, His commitment to self-discipline and helping others is unparalleled.
There is no such thing as a Stupid Question!
– Physically Increased Work Capacity, Abilities, and Higher Energy Levels
– Mentally Increased Determination, Discipline, and Motivation
– Spiritually Rooted in Faith, Your Beliefs, and Your Gifts
– Emotionally Aware, Articulate and Self-Regulated
– Relationally Connected, Passionate, and Committed
– Financially Educated, Invested, and With a Plan
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